Helping others while being Depressed

Something that I have been doing from my childhood days is to be the counselor, coach for some of my friends and relatives, later it manifested and developed into coaching and mentoring people in my career life. All through the years, even when I was struggling through my own battles, I have always believed in helping people around me. Whatever lessons my struggles were teaching me, I saw the benefit of sharing those lessons with people I care for and with people who needed some help.

With depression, all the positive outlook on life blurring away, and that feeling of ‘Nothing matters‘ killing my spirit, for a while I couldn’t bring myself up for the normal coaching, mentoring sessions that I usually provide for my circle. After months, I have pushed myself back to involving in others’ life, being there for them when they need me, engaging and listening, sharing my insights and making a plan. It definitely feels home and I instantly felt a speck of energy. Depression cuts off the sensations to a great extent, finding some kind of a purpose in life is almost lost. Most of the activities I used to enjoy or feel for has stopped having any effect on me, but the act of giving, helping others does move the needle a bit. After all a hint of proof that my body can produce some Dopamine on its own gives me hope.

I am trying to learn about how the brain functions and what influences it, I need to understand the chemical composition that has such a power over our cognitive abilities. As I learn, I am trying to take small measures in various areas trying to influence the essential hormones that has a direct impact on our mental well being. It is not just that simple to learn and apply when the energy, motivation, mood, thoughts, willpower, drive, outlook is all affected by depression. Never the less, I am determined to make an effort. I also want to have a structured approach to my efforts so I get to see and spot what works for me and not.

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